ESG: sustainability for managers


The ESG concept, which refers to Economic and Governance, Environmental and Social factors, currently has a prominent place on the agenda of investors, regulators and consumers.

It can represent both risks and opportunities that will affect a company's ability to create long-term value.

It covers environmental issues, such as climate change and the scarcity of natural resources, social issues, such as labor practices, diversity, product safety and data security, among other topics, and involves issues of governance, ethics, executive compensation and tax transparency, among others.

Not all topics will be relevant or material for all companies. For example, a service entity might focus more on human capital issues, while a food and beverage company might focus on environmental issues, such as waste management.

In view of the growing demands of the market (shareholders, banks, suppliers and competitors, among others), managers need to be prepared to understand these challenges and opportunities, integrating environmental, social and governance issues into the agenda of their management activities, in particular in the definition of the strategy and in the positioning before the stakeholders.

This training aims to enable managers to have a comprehensive understanding of this topic and its practical implications, contributing to a more effective management prepared for current challenges.


1. General ESG concepts
  • Sustainable value creation
  • The main economic, environmental and social topics
  • Main sustainability trends, challenges and opportunities
  • Regulation and international commitments that mark the agenda
  • Sustainable Financing
  • Deep dive - EU Taxonomy
  • ESG governance models
2. How to integrate ESG themes into strategy
  • Engagement with stakeholders
  • The material themes for the sector and for the organization
  • Integration of ESG factors into business strategy
  • ESG Risk management
  • Deep Dive - Climate Change
3. Monitoring and communication
  • Main reporting references and recognition standards
  • ESG communications to the market
  • Legal requirements and good practices for ESG/sustainability reporting
  • External ESG Indexes and Evaluations


Maria Borges Reis

Marta Gago Antas
Senior Manager
PwC Portugal


Managers and other people responsible for relevant areas such as Strategy, Investor Relations or others


  • 7.5 hours: 09h00 - 11h30


  • 11, 12 and 13 of July 2023
  • Online with trainer (in English)


  • 750,00 € (Add IVA amount)*
  • Includes: PwC training certificate

*Offer 10% discount from the 2nd participant onwards

Discount Policy


Registration form

→ Conheça a opinião dos formandos...

"Foi uma experiência muito enriquecedora que me permitiu elevar o nível de conhecimento e perceber que o desafio é sério e o melhor momento para começar a trabalhar foi ontem. Recomendo!"

Florbela Cunha, Banco Montepio

"Além do excelente conteúdo e qualidade dos profissionais, o formato online permitiu que eu participasse do Brasil e interagisse com todos."

Fernando Macedo, Coordenador Geral de GRC na Eletrobras, Brasil

"O curso ajuda-nos a materializar, como podem as Organizações incluir a Sustentabilidade na sua Agenda Estratégica e de Negócio, colocando os desafios e as oportunidades ESG o serviço da criação de valor para os stakeholders."

Maria Henriqueta Maurício, BBVA


Hugo Miguel Dias

Assurance and PwC´s Academy Partner, PwC Portugal

Tel: +351 213 599 000

Catarina João Morgado

Director, PwC Portugal

Tel: +351 213 599 000
