Order 317/2022-XXIII, of the State Secretary of Tax Affairs, dated 14 November 2022, establishes the possibility of waiving the payment of half of the amount of the third advanced CIT payment. This concerns the tax period starting on or after 1 January 2022 and applies to the following taxpayers:
Order 317/2022-XXIII, as well as Order 318/2022-XXIII, also of the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, dated 15 November 2022, establish that taxable persons falling under the category of cooperatives, micro, small, medium or small-medium companies can benefit from the flexibility of payment of VAT in 3 or 6 monthly installments, amounting to EUR 25 or higher, under Decree-Law 125/2021, of 30 December 30, with the necessary adjustments. This applies to the VAT returns to be filed in the months of November and December 2022.
© 2022 PwC. This communication is of an informative nature and intended for general purposes only. It does not address any particular person or entity nor does it relate to any specific situation or circumstance. PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Services TLS, Lda. We will not accept any responsibility arising from reliance on information hereby transmitted, which is not intended to be a substitute for specific professional business advice.