2025 State budget Law


  • January 07, 2025

Check out PwC's analysis of the State Budget for 2025, within the scope of Personal Income Tax (PIT).

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General rates

The limits of each bracket for the general PIT rates are updated by approximately 4.6%, resulting in the following table:

Taxable income (€)


Amount to deduct (€)

Up to 8,059



More than 8,059 up to 12,160



More than 12,160 up to 17,233



More than 17,233 up to 22,306



More than 22,306 up to 28,400



More than 28,400 up to 41,629



More than 41,629 up to 44,987



More than 44,987 up to 83,696



More than 83,696



The limits of the brackets for the general PIT rates are updated by 4.6%, above the projected inflation rate.

Youth PIT

The Youth PIT tax regime is extended, making it applicable to income from employment and self employed work earned by taxpayers (not dependents) who are up to 35 years old, while also eliminating the condition related to the completion of a cycle of studies.

The duration of this benefit is extended to ten years. It applies in the first year of income generation in which the option for the benefit is exercised and in the nine subsequent years in which income is obtained and the option is also exercised.

There is also an increase of the applicable exemption as follows:

  • 100% in the first year;
  • 75% in the second, third, and fourth years;
  • 50% in the fifth, sixth, and seventh years;
  • 25% in the eighth, ninth, and tenth years.

The scope of the Youth PIT is expanded in terms of the number of beneficiaries, the duration and the amount of the benefit.

The amount of exempt income under the above terms is limited to an amount corresponding to 55 times the value of the Social Support Index/IAS (€ 28,737.50, considering the IAS in force in 2025).

However, a transitional regime is created which establishes that taxpayers start to qualify for this exemption in the year following the number of years of income generation from categories A and B already elapsed, not considering, for this purpose, the years in which they were considered dependents.

The exemption does not apply in the years in which income from categories A and B is not earned, resuming its application for the remaining years income is obtained by the taxpayer, until a total of ten years of exemption or the age limit of 35 years is reached.

This benefit does not apply to taxpayers who:

1. benefit or have benefited from the regime applicable to non-habitual residents;
2. benefit or have benefited from the tax incentive for scientific research and innovation, provided for in article 58-A of the Tax Benefits Code (EBF);
3. have opted for taxation under the tax regime applicable to ex-residents;
4. do not have their tax situation regularized.

The taxpayer may request that the paying entity reflect the application of this regime in the withholding taxes due, by informing the entity of the year of application of the exemption he/she currently is.

Meal allowance

There is an increase of the value of the meal allowance provided through meal vouchers that is not subject to taxation to a daily amount of € 10.20. This means that only the portion exceeding 70% of the legally established limit (previously € 6) will be considered as employment income, instead of the previous 60%.

Specific deduction – Category A and Category H

There is an update of the specific deduction applicable to employment and pension income to an amount corresponding to 8.54 times the value of the IAS. Based on the IAS value for 2025, the specific deduction amount will be € 4,462.15.

Subsistence level

There is an update of the reference value of the subsistence level, in accordance with the increase in the monthly minimum national wage.

Autonomous taxation rates

There is an update of the limits for the acquisition cost of passenger or mixed vehicles from € 20,000 to € 30,000 for the purposes of applying autonomous taxation on expenses incurred by taxpayers who have or should have organized accounts, within the scope of a business or professional activity.

Withholding taxes for self-employed workers

The withholding tax rate applicable to income from the professional activities listed in the table referred to in Article 151 of the PIT Code is reduced from 25% to 23%.

Payments on account

The amount of the payments on account due by taxpayers earning category B income is reduced to 65% of the amount resulting from the application of the applicable formula (previously 76.5%).

Withholding taxes on overtime work

The waive from the withholding tax applicable to employment income from overtime work obtained in Portuguese territory by non-resident taxpayers will now have as a limit the overtime income up to 100 hours (previously 50 hours). 

The remuneration for overtime work obtained by resident taxpayers is now subject to 50% of the autonomous withholding tax rate as from the first hour of overtime work.

2025 State Budget Law

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2025 State Budget

Follow the tax changes introduced by the 2025 State Budget Law. PwC clarifies your doubts!

Contact us

Rosa Areias

Rosa Areias

Tax Lead Partner, PwC Portugal

Tel: +351 225 433 101
