Last reviewed 1 january 2025

2025 Tax Guide – Stamp Tax

Taxable basis

Stamp tax is due on acts, contracts, documents, titles, books, papers and other facts taking place in Portugal, which are not subject or are exempt from VAT, as foreseen in the General Table attached to the Stamp Tax Code.

The above mentioned facts are also subject to Stamp Tax if, although taking place outside the Portuguese territory, they are presented for legal purposes in Portugal.

Taxable basis

Rate (%)

Acquisition for consideration or donation of property


Free acquisition of goods by individuals (Inheritance and gifts)


Letting or subletting (on one month of rent)


Guarantees (except if ancillary and simultaneous to the contracts specified in the General Table)

Period < one year – per month or fraction

Period ≥ one year

Without term or period ≥ five years




Use of credit:

Period < one year – per month or fraction

Period ≥ one year

Period ≥ five years

Undetermined period (e.g. current account) – per month on the monthly average amount of the debt





Consumer’s credit  (the rates are aggravated by 50% in 2022)

Period < one year – per month or fraction

Period ≥ one year

Period ≥ five years

Undetermined period (e.g. current account) – per month on the monthly average amount of the debt





Operations of financial institutions:

Interest, including bills discount

Commissions for guarantees provided

Other commission for financial services, including fees related to card-based payment operations

Commission for insurance brokerage






Bills of exchange and promissory notes (with a minimum value of € 1)


Sale of business


Bingo prizes (1)


Other prizes (raffles, lottery, prize draws or contests, excluding prizes from socialgames prizes foreseen in item 11.3 of the General Table) (2)


Social State games – included in the bet price


Social State games – on the amount of the debt price that exceeds € 5.000


Net asset value of the collective investment vehicles that invest exclusively in money market instruments and deposits


Other collective investment vehicles


Commissions and considerations charged by or through the intermediation of crypto assets service providers - on the amount charged


(1) The rate is increased by 10% when prizes are paid in kind.
(2) The tax is levied on the gross value of the prize, with a rate of 45% when awarded in kind.


Some facts are exempt from Stamp Tax (1), under certain conditions:

  • acquisition of the first residential property (exclusively intended to permanent place of residence) by persons with 35 years or less of age are exempt up to a limit of € 316,772;
  • reduction of 25% of the tax due on the net asset value of certain collective investment vehicles engaged in the lease of residential property;
  • guarantees on stock exchange dealings regarding securities and derivatives;
  • transactions between financial institutions;
  • loans, up to 1 year, granted by companies in a control or group relation for treasury needs;
  • cash pooling arrangements, not exceeding one year, involving companies in a control or group relation;
  • shareholders’ loans, including the respective interest;
  • interest on loans for permanent housing;
  • free transfer of property to the spouse, or de facto spouse, descendants and ascendants;
  • report agreements traded in a stock exchange;
  • business restructuring or cooperation operations;
  • warranties provided in favor of the State and to the Institute for the Management of Social Security Capitalization Funds;
  • acquisition of real estate qualifying as an eligible investment under the Tax Regime for Investment Support (RFAI);
  • acts or contracts, as part of an investment project carried out under the contractual tax regime, foreseen in the Investment Tax Code;
  • exportation transactions, including:
    • insurance policies; and
    • guarantees provided by the State, directly or indirectly, under international agreements/law.
  • operations concerning loans for permanent housing: operations to temporarily fix the installment and capitalize deferred amounts into the value of the loan, alterations or extension of the term, as well as the change of financial institution.

(1) Non exhaustive list.

The contents presented are of a general and purely informative nature, not intended for any particular entity or situation, and do not replace obtaining appropriate professional advice for specific cases. PwC makes every effort to keep the 2025 Tax Guide updated; however, it cannot guarantee its up-to-date status at all times.
© 2025 PwC. This communication is of an informative nature and intended for general purposes only. It does not address any particular person or entity nor does it relate to any specific situation or circumstance. PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Services TLS, Lda. We will not accept any responsibility arising from reliance on information hereby transmitted, which is not intended to be a substitute for specific professional business advice.

Contact us

Rosa Areias

Rosa Areias

Tax Lead Partner, PwC Portugal

Tel: Tel: +351 225 433 101

Jorge Figueiredo

Jorge Figueiredo

Tax Partner – Corporate & International Tax, PwC Portugal

Tel: +351 213 599 618

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