Tax modelling services

A clear view of tomorrow

In today’s economic context the different market players recognise the need to accurately anticipate the business value in which they intend to invest. Simultaneously, it is important to identify and explore opportunities to add value on the investment structure.

Through decisions based on a tax model adequate to the effective reality of the business it is possible to:

  • Reduce the effective tax rate
  • Maximise the use of tax credits available for deduction
  • Maximise cash-flows
  • Reduce the compliance costs

In conclusion, the tax modelling work proves to be an indispensable tool in all stages of decision making. It turns up to be an innovative way of tax consulting, indispensable to take an informed and adequate decision to the effective reality of the envisaged investment.

Added value

Our specialised team have tools capable of adding value throughout the investment cycle.

1 Evaluation

Assessment of the best financing options, debt structuring and future capability to distribute dividends.

3 Quantification

Quantification of tax costs and cash-flows related with the envisaged operations.

2 Reorganisations

Determination of the most favourable reorganisation scenario given the identified impacts of the operations.

4 Post Deal

Assessment of future consolidated and individual scenarios, making it easier to anticipate cash-flows and predict costs reduction.

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Contact us

Maria Torres

Maria Torres

Tax Partner – Deals Tax, PwC Portugal

Tel: +351 225 433 135
