CRM Health Check | What is the state of your Salesforce platform?

Why do you need an outside perspective on your Salesforce Platform?

Checking the health of your Salesforce org assures you are getting maximum value from it:

  • Your business users are running into errors or performance issues with your Salesforce platform which is impacting your daily operations?
  • Your org and development life-cycle are not keeping up with the velocity required by your business to evolve?
  • The overhead of maintaining and integrating your org is too high?

Are you sure your implementation is aligned with regulatory compliance and with security standards?

  • Your users access and use PII data in the org without restrictions and your customer’s requests are not executed as per global Data protection regulations.
  • Your org stores PCI data and it does not restrict access to such data artifacts. 
  • Authentication and authorization of users is a custom-developed process and it uses credential’s data stored in salesforce database.

Your organisation has made a significant investment in Salesforce to enable your business to transform the way you work and do business. 

But are you getting maximum business value from it?

Health Check Scope

Functional Check

Evaluate the solution's ability to cover functional requirements. In particular, it analyzes the main use cases and the processes of the solution that support them. The objective of this check is to determine any existing gaps between the functional requirements of users and the functionalities proposed by the As-Is implementation.

Technological Check

Evaluate the quality of the configurations and customizations present in the As-Is system. This dimension includes the analysis of customizations, where used, why used against the salesforce standard. The objective of this evaluation is to identify any areas of intervention to improve the use of the solutions made available by Salesforce and to rationalize the use of custom and also to identify poor practices that result in user adoption degradation.


Organizational Check

Evaluates the adherence of the processes in place, the responsibilities assigned and the solution adopted to the best practices identified by PwC during the implementation of CRM platforms. The goal of this assessment is to identify areas of intervention by leveraging PwC experience to improve the effectiveness of using Salesforce.


Checking the health of your Salesforce org assures you are getting maximum value from it

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Luís Côrte-Real

Luís Côrte-Real

Desenvolvimento de Negócio, PwC Portugal
