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It is not a surprise that Portugal is becoming a top choice for Ultra and High Net Worth Individuals who wish to take up residence in the European Union.
Portugal provides an excellent quality of life for the modern investor or businessman. The tax regime for individuals is very attractive, surpassing other regimes in many ways. The low effective tax burden, further enhanced by the regime for non habitual residents, the free remittance of funds, the friendly residence permit regime (allowing for free movement within the Schengen zone) and the possibility to apply for Portuguese nationality and, consequently, a EU passport, make Portugal a very attractive location. As a result of its traditional liberalism and multicultural approach, Portugal maintains very close links with the rest of the world, including Africa (Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde), Asia (China, including Macao) and South America (Brazil).
The special tax regime for non habitual tax residents, with a flat income tax rate of 20% for certain Portuguese employment and self-employment source income further increases the attractiveness of Portugal and shows the Portuguese commitment to attract the best international talent, as well as wealthy individuals and their families.
The Portuguese tax system offers interesting opportunities in relation to wealth, gift and inheritance taxes as well as business and rental income, capital gains, dividends, interest and pensions. Wealthy individuals and their families, whether of Portuguese nationality or not, should look closely at what Portugal has to offer for the planning of their income and wealth, as well as for a successful transmission to the next generation.
Já conhece a BD fiscal da PwC com conteúdos relativos a Portugal, Angola e Cabo Verde, interligados e classificados criteriosamente? Experimente já!
A PwC lança a 15.ª edição da Coletânea Tributária Anotada que conta com as alterações em matéria fiscal introduzidas pela Lei do OE 2025. Adquira já!
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